
"When constituents in northern Greenwich and Stamford communicate with us about Livvy Floren, the two most often mentioned topics are how hard she works for them and how much she cares about them."
- Greenwich Time


Livvy R. Floren


Thank you to the voters in the 149th District of Greenwich and Stamford. Being re-elected to a tenth term is an honor. I would never let it go to my head. It has, however, gone straight to my heart.

Once again, residents of the 149th participated in the electoral process in many ways – voting, attending legislative forums and debates, posting yard signs, making telephone calls, and writing letters of support. This is grass roots democracy at its spirited and civil best.

As your state representative, I pledge to continue my record of reasonable, reliable and responsive public service.

Rep. Livvy R. Floren, 149th District, Greenwich & Stamford

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